Name TRhist - profiling all tandem repeats in personal genomes Input: (gzipped) fastq file Output: histogram.list (default): CSV file of all tandem repeat histograms paired.fasta (default) : fasta file for finding tandem repeat loci (optional: option -p) repeat.list (default) : All tandem repeats in each reads (optional: option -d) Synopsis: java -jar TRhist.jar -z reads.fastq.gz java -jar TRhist.jar -p -z -output_fasta reads.fasta reads1.fastq.gz reads2.fastq.gz Option -z Input file fomat is gzipped fastq (Default: fastq format) -a Output histogram of approximate tandem repeats (Default: exact tandem repeats) -output STR Output file name for all tandem repeat histograms (Default: histogram.list) -p Input is paired-end reads (fastq format). Paired-end reads should be same lengths. -output_fasta STR Output file name for finding tandem repeat loci if option -p is used (Default: paired.fasta) If all bases are tandem repeats in a read, output pairedend sequence in fasta file format. -output_debug STR Output file name for all tandem repeats if option -d is used (Default: repeat.list) * Java requirement TRhist.jar on this web site is compiled with java version 1.7.0_05. You need Java Runtime Environment version 1.7.0_05 or newer version to run this jar file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File format of histogram.list repeat_unit,[repeatUnitSequence1] length1,frequency1 length2,frequency2 ...... repeat_unit,[repeatUnitSequence2] length1,frequency1 length2,frequency2 ...... Example: repeat_unit,A 1,0 2,41937120 . . . 100,0 repeat_unit,C 1,0 2,1321793 . . . 100,0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File format of paired.fasta >[readName]_[readSequence]_[representativeRepeatUnit]_pairedend ATCACATTCTACTTA... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File format of repeat.list [readName] Period: [tandem repeat period] Left : [start position] Right: [end position] repeatition : [repeat unit] ....